
  • robhanson replied to the topic Tell me your success story in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 1 year, 5 months ago

    Hi Shannon!

    Your story is not all unusual at all. A lot and I would say most who played in school bands, community orchestra, or even played in a garage band move on. When you are young your interests change often. You are eager to experience life and at some point you have to make a decision, family or your musical career.

    I started playing music when I was 10 yrs old. I worked hard at it even when I got married. Once the kids came along, will “Family” became the most important thing in my life. So in my 30’s, my focus was on my kids and family. Not until my late 50s when we became empty nesters, did I start to pick up music again.

    At age 56 I had a recurring dream that I played cello. Not only did I play cello, but I played cello at Orchestra Hall with the Minnesota Orchestra. Of course I was awesome! I had this dream for about a year, off and on.

    At work I heard they had a community orchestra. About that time I was window shopping I saw a cello for sale. It needed a lot of work to make it a playable instrument.

    At age 57 I started to learn to play the cello. I had no previous experience with stringed instruments at all. I took lessons for about three months.

    At this point I contacted the orchestra director and asked if I could sit in on rehearsals. She asked if I had an instrument and I said yes, cello. She asked if I would like to shadow alongside one of the other cellists. Of course I said yes, even though I had only been playing for 3 months.

    I played with the orchestra for the next three sessions.

    Remember that dream. The one about playing with the Minnesota Orchestra. Will three years late the MN Orchestra was hosting a “Fantasy Camp”

    All you had to do is write an essay on why you would like to play with the orchestra. Never in a million years did I think I would get an opportunity to play with the MN Orchestra.

    Will, at 61 years of age that dream came true. I got to rehearse with the orchestra for three full days followed by a concert with the orchestra at Orchestra Hall. Made my bucket list.

    I am now 72 years young. Over the years I went on to learn how to play the Violin, Viola, Upright Bass and more. I have played in a number of groups over the years and I still enjoy it. I still attend a jam now and then. Most in the group are in their 70s and up, even a few in their 90s.

    Starting to play an instrument late in life is doable.

    I will leave you with two things. Always have fun at what you are doing. Second, “If you practice in a vacuum, at some point you can expect to hear a sucking sound” So get out there and play music with others and have fun.

    Best wishes on your musical journey!

    Kind Regards,
    Robert Hanson

    • Thank you for sharing! You have such a great story! This helps remind me to keep faith in the process and remember I still have many years ahead of me (I’m 36). I do have dreams of one day playing with others, though I’m not sure what form that will take. Anything is better than playing shut alone in my closet while my kids sleep at night 😉